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Saturday 3 June 2017

Law Of Intentionality

The Law of "Intentionality" states that 'Growth doesn't just happen' for you to grow up there must be a "Cause and effect"
Most times parents are guilty of demanding from their kids what they have not taught them. When this kids fail to meet their expectation they begin to blame the kid instead of owning up that they have failed in their responsibility.
Today I intentionally taught my Son, Testimony his first Leadership skill. For clarity, my son is a 3 year old boy.

Lesson 1 - I taught him how to start doing things by himself instead of always running to mummy or daddy for everything. For example after using the toilet, I cleaned him up, then he came to me to put on his pant and trouser for him. Instead of doing it for him, I showed him how to hold it and asked him to put it on by himself which he did.
Lesson 2: I asked him to get me something from the shop outside by telling him what to get. I followed him outside and pointed  the shop to him (mind you he needed not cross any road) I stood from distance and watch him do the transaction. The holy book states that ' train up a child in the way he should go and when he is grown up, he will not depart from it' let's take responsibility to train our children.

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