Welcome to sundayjenyo's blog. The Platform for Leadership, Transformation and Growth.

Tuesday 18 July 2017

Am i Productive

If you sincerely take a personal inventory of your life now i.e physically, financially, socially, relational, economically, spiritually etc. will you say you have been productive with all that the creator has made available to you? Do you realize that you are accountable to the creator? Do you know that everyone will give account of how he has maximized every gift and talent that he has been given unto him? If you don’t realize read about the parable of the talent in the book of St. Matthew 25.
Productivity has been defined as a measure of the efficiency of a person, machine, system etc. in converting inputs into useful outputs or the state of producing something. What are you producing?  What problems are you solving? Someone will even say; what have I been given? My father never left any inheritance for me, my father never sent me to high school, my parents never established any business for me etc; that might be true but at creation you were giving the ability and power to own all these things and more. Let say something here; our lives are not defined by what we own but by what we give.

Thursday 13 July 2017

Personal Leadership

A number of years ago a quick conversation with my father had one of the greatest impact on my life. It wasn’t a big deal to him, but it was a huge deal to me.
I had just finished my Master’s Degree project. As part of that process I had to present and defend the project which included taking questions from professors and fellow students. The entire thing was fairly stressful and videotaped. I was proud of what I had accomplished and shared the video with my father.

Wednesday 12 July 2017

You have the power to make things happen

One stormy evening, as the rain pours from the sky, a man notices a river of water flowing down the street from his kitchen window.
He rushes into his basement, only to realize it’s already filled with two feet of water.
“Oh no god, why me?” he mumbles to himself. “Ah, it’ll be alright. I’ve always been a faithful believer. He’ll save me.”
As the water continues to rise and reaches the ground floor, his neighbor stops by in his pick-up truck.
“This flood is going to get really badI highly recommend you get out of your house now. Want to come with me? I’ll give you a ride!”
“Naaah, god will save me from this.”
With a shrug, the neighbor gets into his truck and leaves. But the water continues to rise and eventually, the man has no choice but to climb on his roof and sit there.

Monday 10 July 2017

Making The Most Of Every Opportunity

Arich man has four sons. As he grows old, he decides to give his property to the son who would value the wealth he had earned. He calls his four sons and gives them each five grains of rice. He tells them that he shall ask for these grains at the end of 5 years & he would give his property to the son who would value these grains the most.
The first son throws away the grains. He decides to show his father some other grains when he would ask for them after 5 years, in anticipation that his father would not be able to see the difference between the two sets of grains.

Sunday 9 July 2017


I have come to understand that there is nothing call LUCK.
What people call luck is simply when PREPARATION MEETS OPPORTUNITY.
In his book; The 15 Laws of Invaluable Growth, John Maxwell states that GROWTH does not just happen. You have to be intentional about your growth.
To increase your capacity in life, you must be intentional.
Nothing happens by accident.

The much talked about competition for free Job experience by sunjenyojobportfolios in association with SAS LAW SCHOOL is starting tomorrow 10th of July. Kindly follow the rules to send in your entries and enjoy this work experience with UK Companies. As i said earlier, CREATE YOUR LUCK now.
Go to: www.sunjenyojobportfolios.com/competition for more details.

Join me tomorrow, 10th of July by 9am on Nigeriainfo fm 99.3 as i discuss the benefits of a Job Portfolio.

Thursday 6 July 2017

Why taking a job portfolio is the future

“A CV will get you a job interview – a job portfolio will get you the job”

Designers, Engineers, models, Photographers, Furniture designers etc
Always take portfolios to job interviews/presentations. They will never
Go without one.
Within the next 28 days, you too can download a job portfolio and take
With you to a job interview / presentation.
See why taking a job portfolio is the future here: http://youtu.be/84p107170aQ

Simply register for our free competition which is starting on  Monday 10th July - 6th August,2017
It is absolutely free and everyone is a winner.
Share amongst your friends and family members.
Everyone can participate.
see rules of competiton here: http://sundayjenyo.blogspot.com/2017/07/rules-of-competition-for-job-portfolios.html

Wednesday 5 July 2017

Rules of Competition for Job Portfolios

THE SAS Law School (UK)
in Association with sunjenyojobportfolios.com

invites you to enter the


It Could Change Your Future Job Prospects For Good

Win one of 100,000 Free Places on a UK Work Program Just for Entering.

Ist Prize A Life-Time Membership
4th prize for ALL entrants: receive a free 28 day MEMBERSHIP within 24 hours of entering.

To enter the competition you must do the following:-
1/ Take a photograph* of something you are proud of in your country.
2/ Write between 140 and 240 words on why you are proud of the subject in your photograph.
3/ Combine the photo image and text onto an A4 page. Place your full name at the top of the page.
4/ Send your submission, including proof of photo authenticity* as an attachment to the following email: competition@sunjenyojobportfolios.com

* Take a selfie (take the same photo again but this time with you in the picture) to prove that it was taken by you.

Competition Starts on 10th July 2017 and ends on 6th Aug 2017.


All the 100,000 prizes give each participant access to work experience in their own country
on behalf of UK companies, in areas such as admin, business, law and media.All those 
who complete their work assignments will be able to download Job References and
Job Portfolios to take to job interviews to show prospective employers their potential.

Watching these 2 min YouTube videos will show what winning a prize