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Monday 13 August 2018

Why Should I Laugh?

Why should I laugh when I am busy working? Why should I laugh when I can barely feed? Why should I laugh when my spouse is not making me happy? The list go on and on. I have found out that people take themselves too seriously. I have met people in every walk of life who have too much doom and gloom in their attitudes. You need to lighten up. No matter how serious your work is, that's no reason to always carry a gloomy face.

One of the wisest men in history, King Solomon affirm that 'Laughter is good medicine to the body. People have also suggested that when you laugh more, you have more chances of having a better health and living more longer - I don't know if that is true, but sometimes laugh at yourself, carry a smile, let out that tension and worry especially if you are not alonet in your planet; attitude is contagious.
To your success.
Follow me o twitter @sunjenyo

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