Welcome to sundayjenyo's blog. The Platform for Leadership, Transformation and Growth.

Thursday 27 April 2017

Take Responsibilty

Que: Why did you graduate with a 3rd class degree?
Ans: Those lecturers in my school are all sadist.
Que: Why is your business not making enough progress?
Ans: I have too many competitors in this business.
Que: Why are you always angry, saucy and aggressive?
Ans: You need to be tough or people will take you for granted.
Que: Why are people always complaining about your attitude?
Ans: Don't mind them, They are just envious of me.
Que: Why are you always broke?
Ans: Don’t you know that there is recession in the economy…….
Que: Why are you not married yet?
Ans: Men are not serious in settling down now?
Que: Why are you always coming tops in your class in the English literature course?
Ans: I give a lot of my time to study. Hmm
It’s always about every other person or situation but not about you.

Wednesday 26 April 2017


There is a saying that “there are 3 kinds of people on earth; those who make things happen, those who watch things happen and those who do not know what is happening.”
What category do you belong to?

Monday 24 April 2017

Have you spoken to yourself today?

Its the beginning of another week. i Hope you are enthusiastic about your goals for the week.

A lot of times we want to talk to other people about themselves but not about us.
Have you taken time to speak to yourself today?

I have come to realize that people tend to magnify the challenges of other people and pay less attention to their own challenges.
A wise man once said that there are two people that can talk to you; other people can talk to you and you can talk to yourself. A lot of time we only listen to others but not ourselves.

Sunday 23 April 2017

Are You Teachable?

Are you teachable? How do you respond when you are corrected? Do you accept responsibility for your failures? Hmmm. 
Do you listen when other people speak? or you are in a hurry to reply them.

Teach-ability is a mindset that says 
‘’ No matter how much I know (or think I know), I can learn from this situation’’.

John Maxwell LEADERSHIP - How To Connect With People _Part 1

Saturday 15 April 2017

Life rewards people for solving problems not for creating it.

Life rewards people for solving problems not for creating it.

Image result for PICTURE OF PROBLEM
Life rewards people for solving problems not for creating it. In most organisations in the world, what you earn is determined by the problems you can solve. Every great and Successful person you have heard or read about attained greatness by solving problems.
Alexander Graham Bell solved

WHERE IS MY MONEY? By Sunday Jenyo,

Money is simply a means of exchange, but the lack of it can bring untold hardship, mystery, frustration, low self esteem and if not well handled, suicide. The availability of money brings confidence, influence, friends, fame, power and material possessions. Everyone likes to have more money in their bank accounts. I have not met anyone who says money is not good. Even good book says’’ Money answereth all things’’. 
The question here is why am I lacking money? 
Why am I broke?
Money flows in the direction of value,