Welcome to sundayjenyo's blog. The Platform for Leadership, Transformation and Growth.

Sunday 19 August 2018

Anytime you postpone doing a task you can do now till later, it simply means you are procrastinating. Procrastination like a popular saying is the thief of time. It does not allow you to fulfil your God given talents; then afterwards you will blame every other person apart from your self for your predicament.
It is extremely difficult to be successful if you are forever putting things off. For example, what did you say to yourself ' I will start/do this month/this week? Have you started yet? If not start now and immediately. To become effective and make progress in your area of talent or responsibility, you can't spend your time on unimportant or unnecessary tasks. To get yourself doing it focus on what you will benefit if you get it done. To your success.
Follow me on Twitter @sunjenyo

Monday 13 August 2018

Why Should I Laugh?

Why should I laugh when I am busy working? Why should I laugh when I can barely feed? Why should I laugh when my spouse is not making me happy? The list go on and on. I have found out that people take themselves too seriously. I have met people in every walk of life who have too much doom and gloom in their attitudes. You need to lighten up. No matter how serious your work is, that's no reason to always carry a gloomy face.

Thursday 9 August 2018

Pay the price for a Change

There is always a price to pay for anything that is beneficial to humanity. Change which is inevitable always cost you something, if not monetrily, then in energy, time and creativity. In fact if change doesn't cost you anything, then it isn't real change!