Welcome to sundayjenyo's blog. The Platform for Leadership, Transformation and Growth.

Tuesday 18 September 2018

Stop the Denial

  1. Most often we deny the existence of facts in our lives because of fear. We are afraid to face facts squarely thinking that something even worse will happen when we stop denying and take action. For example; your business not making enough money to meet your needs and you are already borrowing to keep the business afloat. This has been going on for the past 6 months. It's time to stop the denial and accept the facts that there is a problem and urgent help is required.
  • What are some of the situations you are afraid to deal with?
  • Your spouse is withdrawn, disrespectful or abusive?
  • Your business partner doesn't participate fully or spends too much?
  • Your relationships are always ending bitterly?
  • You are not enjoying the job you are currently doing?Your health is becoming a problem because of poor nutrition or lifestyle.
Though many of the situations listed above require drastic change in how you live, work and relate to others but the solution will not come until you face your fears squarely and take action
Image result for denial
Action Plan:
Make a list of what is not working in your life. In areas such as - Financial, Career, business, free time or family time, relationships, health and appearance, personal growth and making a difference.
Ask your family,friends, group, class, coach or team what they believe is not working.
Do you need to talk to someone? Call someone? Ask someone for help? Read a book? Make a plan to fi it.
Choose one action and do it. Keep taking another action and another action until you get the situation resolved.
To your success.
P.S, If you need to find a solution to any  area of your life that is not producing the result that you want; kindly contact Sunday by sending me a message at sundayjenyo14@gmail.com

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