Welcome to sundayjenyo's blog. The Platform for Leadership, Transformation and Growth.

Wednesday 31 May 2017

How To Start Eggs Supply Business To Shops In Nigeria

Are you a Nigerian looking for something to do as business or you just graduated from the college and you are still waiting for that white collar jobs in Nigeria where you can knot tie and put on that corporate suit and jacket everyday? Well let me introduce you to a business that is fast yielding profit, not just a little one but profit that you can conveniently rely on.
This business I am talking about is eggs supply business.
Eggs supply business is very lucrative and you can determine what you want your profit to look like. Before we analyze the potential profit of this business, let us know the advantages and uses of eggs to see the reason the business of eggs supply is booming.
Egg is high in cholesterol and this makes it a perfect diet for growing children. It can reduce risk of many diseases, it supplies quality protein to the body, it is rich in vitamin A and this helps healthy eyesight, it contains chlorine and this is used to build cell membranes which helps in producing molecules in the human brain.

Monday 22 May 2017

Why not do it now?

In life, at one time or another, you feel like you have something special within you. Something creative that belongs to you.

The creativity may be in the form of writing, singing, playing or any other activity. You believe you can do it better than others. You are certain that you can advance your career by running your own business rather than holding down a regular daily job. This would be your dream achievement and you take the decision to make a go of it.

As time passes you become stuck and entangled in life's day to day happenings. You don't progress as you should have and your subconscious mind makes excuses which works against your creativity. Self doubt creeps in and you begin to believe that maybe you are not up to it. You slowly give up on your dream and defeat seems inevitable. The more you don't achieve, the more self doubt rears its ugly head and the less you do to achieve your dreams.

Why is it that procrastination wins over creativity? The answer, firstly, is that fire needs oxygen to keep burning. In this instance the initial motivation is the oxygen. Secondly, you need action to keep the the fire or motivation burning. Now between the these two lies procrastination.

Thursday 18 May 2017

How to Re-invent your Business

I was taking a walk in my neighborhood and I noticed something very alarming. All the small businesses I used to see between one to two years ago or more have all been shut down. Out of curiosity, I began to ask questions why they have all closed shops. Did they relocate? Did they diversify? What happened? I began to do my investigation .What did I discover?

Sunday 14 May 2017


In the course of last week, I went to the gas station to buy gas (Petrol) with a gallon.
I was not driving. I went there on a motor cycle. As soon as we got there, we were headed for a particular pump where one young man (A pump attendant) was just seated and chatting away, not attending to any other person. As we got closer to him, he directed us to another pump that is at the other extreme. We obeyed and headed to the other pump as if he was doing us a favor. May be he was actually doing us a favor, forgetting that on that same street; there are three other gas stations.
We headed for the pump at the other extreme as instructed. As soon as we got close to the pump, the attendant (Another young man) who has just finished selling to a motor-cycle

Monday 8 May 2017

Make Others Feel Good

In the course of the week, I celebrated my birthday and a lot of people sent me birthday wishes on social media which made me happy that people can spare time from their busy schedule to celebrate me. One of the messages made me feel more special, proud and fulfilled; Not because it was longer than what the others have sent or more flowery but because it complimented me for one good thing I had done to her which was special to her life. Someone will say what I am driving at?

Thursday 4 May 2017

What are they thinking about me.

Why should we worry about what others thunk of us,
Do we have more confidence in their opinions than we do on our own opinion?

You might have said or heard things like;

If i take this job what will my friends think of me?
If i date this guy what will my mother say?
If i start this business, what will people say about me?
If i put On this dress, how will people see me?
If i return back to school at this my age, what will people say?
This kind of thought and sayings are endless and we are guilty of one or some of it at some point of our lives or the other.

Wednesday 3 May 2017

Power of Responsibility

Still on the matter of  taking personal responsibility for our lives.
It's been said that the line between childhood and adulthood is crossed when we move from saying 'It got lost' to 'I lost it.'
Indeed, being accountable - and understanding and accepting the role our choices play in the things that happen - are crucial signs of emotional and moral maturity. That's why responsibility is one of the main pillars of good character.

Many people have been seduced by the Peter Pan philosophy of refusing to grow up and avoiding the burdens implied in being accountable. Yes, responsibility sometimes requires us to do things that are unpleasant

Monday 1 May 2017

Change your Life

There is a wonderful story about a man who is out walking on the street one night and comes upon another man down on his knees looking for something under a street lamp. The passerby inquired what he was looking for. He answered that he was looking for his lost key. The passerby offered to help him but after an hour of fruitless searching for the key he says, "We have looked everywhere for your key and we haven't found it, Are you sure you lost it here?
The other man replied, No, i lost it in my house, but there is more lights out here under the street lamp"

It is time to stop looking outside of yourself for the answers to why you haven't created the life of your dreams, for it is you who creates the quality of life that you lead and the result you produce.
Join me in a closed whatsapp group as i help create the life of your dreams.

In this training you will learn how to:
·        Transform you excuse into action
·        Move from where you are to where to where you want to get to.
·        Take 100% responsibility for your life.
·        Defeat Procrastination

If you don’t intentionally change your life who will!